Perhaps you already know that, or maybe you’ve found yourself wondering if in fact you’re on the right path, perhaps you’re just following a group of people who themselves think this is the right path. Regardless, this is a quick story about you and the path that you’re on right now.

It’s a story about you and the path that you’re on right now as well as it’s also a story about where I believe you’ll ultimately end up. As a matter of fact there are 5 solid reasons that support the fact that you’re on the right path and also support where I believe you are ultimately going to end up. Here are those 5 reasons:

  1. The title of this blog brought you here. Most people are aimlessly strolling through life by scrolling through social media posts and have no real interest in even thinking about the path that they’re on. They just go through life’s day-to-day motions. But not you. You actively chose the path that you’re on as sure as you chose to read this post. You’re a decision maker for your life and decision makers generally do well in life and in business.
  2. You know your destination, you know your goals. Thinking in terms of being on the right path and wanting to “double-check” wanting to “cross-reference” your path is the sign of a conscientious person that ultimately knows where they want to end up in life and in their career. The idea of being on the “right path” caught your attention precisely because you know where you want to end up in life and a little validation that you’re on the right path helps make the direction you’re headed in more encouraging. By the way, writing down your goals and reviewing them daily is the strongest way to persistently gain and maintain the knowledge that you’re on the right path.
  3. You look for information. Not only did you want to take a moment to review what this post was about, but also you’ve continued to read this story, this story about you to this point. You’re past the one-minute mark where typically a “post skimmer” tunes out. Yet you’re here. Reading more, looking to see if there’s something that you can glean from this post to make your life, your journey, or your day just a little bit more productive. Winners do that. Winners look for information to support that their actions, objectives, and tactics are in fact moving them toward their goals. Looking for information is synonymous with looking for feedback. That my friend is exactly what drives greatness.
  4. Another reason that I know you’re on the right path to your success, to your ultimate goals is because as I’m writing this I know that deep down inside… way, way, deep inside of you… you know there’s even more greatness that you’re destined for. You know that way down deep in the depths of who you are is an unstoppable champion. Take a second to acknowledge that. Do it again, think about the unstoppable champion within you. A champion like you has no place other than the top, and that’s where you’re headed.
  5. You’re a finisher. You’ve finished this post, you’ve read it all the way to this last point and that means that you’re a finisher and the discipline of finishing what you started is what ultimately gets you to where you want to go in life. Anyone can start something, but finishing it, that’s the mark of a champion.

The fact that you started and finished this post tells me that you’re an amazing person with some pretty audacious goals in life and in business. It also tells me that you’re ultimately going to achieve what it is that you’ve set out to do. Do so knowing that you already have everything inside of you that you need to achieve those goals. Know that you’re different, know that you’re strong, that you’re a champion. Press forward with a more determined effort, knowing without a doubt, that you are on the right path.